Zombie (Definition)

Some drink recipes will eventually grow beyond them selves, turning into more of a category and less of a uniformly served drink. The Zombie is one of those recipes. Here’s an (rather) official definition of the Zombie as a category of drinks:

zombie [ZAHM-bee] Extraordinarily potent, this COCKTAIL is made with at least two types each of rum and LIQUEUR plus two or three fruit juices such as pineapple, orange and lime. It’s usually served in a large goblet over crushed ice, garnished with slices of pineapple and orange and a MARASCHINO CHERRY. The origin of the name is unknown, but it’s been said that one or two of these drinks can make one feel numb . . . rather like a zombie.

—from THE FOOD LOVER’S COMPANION, 2nd edition,
by Sharon Tyler Herbst, Barron’s Educational Services, Inc.

So, basically a Zombie is a strong cocktail made from two (or more) spirits (at least one of them being rum and another being a liqueur; two or three fruit juices, and derved over crushed ice. Pretty easy actually, and there’s plenty of room for trying out new combinations in your hunt for the perfect zombie.

You can find the original Zombie cocktail recipe here.

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