Choose the right cognac glass for the best taste experience

Almost every time I’m at a restaurant or at a bar/night club, and order a cognac, I have it served in a glass where the expensive drops doesn’t come to their right. The “traditional” cognac bowl (balloon). You know that huge glass that everyone thinks is “the real cognac glass”. And that is a pitty since (to me anyway) cognac tastes a lot better and gets to unfold its complex taste, if it is served in a tulip/onion shaped glass.

The tulip/onion shaped glass looks like a grappa glass, although slightly bigger. And the tulip glass is perfect for cognac! The shape of the glass makes certain that the cognac can “open up” over a long period of time, thereby giving the drinker the best taste and smell experience.

Here are two excellent glasses you can buy:

If you do not have access too tulip shaped glasses, aim for a cellar master glass. The cellar master glass is shaped like a basic chimney and although not quite as good as the tulip shaped glass, it’s still a better choice than the ballon shaped glass.

My request for restaurants and bars is this: Please change your cognac balloons to tulip shaped glasses and use the balloons to peanuts, goldfish or cocktails that suit this type of glass. Also remember the keep the amount of soap to a minimum since even the smallest amount can be traced by your palates.

Advanced tip: Remember to keep your cognac glasses together with the cognac itself, as glasses and cognac should have the same temperature when served. Cognac can be stored both tempered and cool – keep away from heat and direct sunligt.

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1 Response

  1. Tudor says:

    Wholeheartedly agree. Could never stand those bowls. Riedel is probably the best, similar to the Glencairn in functionality, but with the added elegance of the stem. Unfortunately, I have so many other glasses that I cannot justify paying so much for yet another set of 6 (about $300 where I live). But other then Glencairn, I found a grappa glass also is quite good for tasting Cognacs and especially Armagnacs, with only drawback that they only hold about 3/4 of an ounce. Or just a simply taster glass (sometimes called sommelier or specialist taster glass)

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